Club Info

About us

Retford Gymnastics Club is a not for profit organisation and a registered charity providing recreational and competitive gymnastics activities for all ages and abilities from walking to adults.

We became a stand- alone club in 2007 and very quickly sourced our own venue and began to develop into the facility we have today.

The club has an ongoing fundraising program and encourages sponsorship from local businesses to help our cause.

Privacy Policy

Retford Gymnastics Club Privacy Notice

Retford Gymnastics Club is the data controller and is committed to complying with our legal responsibilities under data protection law. We take your privacy seriously and will ensure your personal information is kept secure.

How we use information about you:

We need to process information about you or your child for the following reasons:

            •        Maintaining class attendance records and contact details  for emergency purposes.

•        To meet the legitimate aims of the club and ensure your child is supported and safe whilst participating in gymnastics. The information that you provide us with regarding any medical issues will be used to assess any actions required to support inclusion.

             •        To communicate with you about you/your child’s activity, changes to our terms and  conditions and to process payments.

•        We will ask you for permission when completing our online contract for filming and  taking photos for coaching purposes and/or to promote the club on our website, club social media account and communications.

             •        We will not share your information with any other organisations except with your consent  or in exceptional/emergency circumstances where we believe that the sharing of information about you/your child is required to protect you, your child or another person.

            •        When your child is entered into an external competition we will, with your agreement,  share the information  required to enter the event. This will be name, DOB and gender. Most competitions are large events and there are likely to be photographers and people filming so in agreeing to photographic permission on our online contract permits these rights at outside events.

    •          You have the right to see the personal information we hold about you. You can log in to ‘My  Account’ any time to view and amend the information we hold about you on this system. This is the account you set up to register for our payment system and is linked to our attendance registers.

          •        If you leave the club, you can amend your club registration by logging into ‘MyAccount’ and  delete this information. The information you have provided will be deleted by the club within 12  months, except where there is a legitimate and lawful reason to continue to hold your data. We will continue to hold record of payments made for our accounting system.

           •        Members are required log into their accounts and cancel their direct debit payments when they wish to leave the club. Please contact Gocardless, who hold data as our third party directly if you wish them to remove  your data from their Gocardless system, this can be done by sending an email to: Please also refer to our third party providers : Security We are committed at Retford Gymnastics Club that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and management procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. Only paid employees have access to personal records kept on site. Registration by registering as a member of Retford Gymnastics Club through our third – party system Loveadmin and paying for your classes via direct debit, you are agreeing to Retford Gymnastics  Club to contact you when necessary for operations and marketing purposes. You may cancel your membership and registration anytime following the procedure of giving one months’ notice as agreed on our terms and conditions.

      •               Changes to the privacy notice- We will keep our privacy notice under regular review and will update where necessary.

Terms and conditions

      Terms and conditions.

Parent’s code of conduct for Parents/Carers

  •         Encourage your child to understand the rules and play with them
  •        Set a good example by recognizing good sportsmanship and applauding the good performances of all
  •          Never compare your gymnast to another
  •          Respect the decision of your child’s coach
  •          Never force your child to take part in the sport
  •          Keep the club informed if your child is ill or unable to attend sessions
  •          Support you child’s involvement in the sport and help them enjoy their sport
  •          Never belittle a child for a poor performance or making mistakes  
  •          Always ensure your child has the appropriate clothing
  •          Make sure your child arrives on time for their sessions (unless you have told the coach otherwise) and only when your child is admitted into the gym and registered, you can leave them in the care of the coaches.
  •          Endeavour to establish good communications with the club, coaches and officials for the benefit of all
  •          Use correct and proper language at all times
  •          Ensure that children in your care are behaving appropriately while on the premises
  •          You are required to pay any fees for training or events promptly
  • Cancellation of your account without first notifying the club will result in your child being removed from our registers

Code of Conduct for Club Officials and volunteers

  •          Consider the well being and safety of participants before the development of performance
  •          Develop and appropriate working relationship with participants based on mutual trust and respect
  •          Ensure that all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of the gymnasts
  •          Promote positive aspects of gymnastics, for example, fair play
  •          Display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance
  •          Follow all guidelines laid down by British Gymnastics
  •          Hold appropriate valid qualifications and insurance cover
  •          Never exert undue influence over participants to obtain personal benefit or reward
  •          Never condone rule violations rough play or the use of prohibited substances
  •          Encourage participants to value their performance and not just results
  •          Encourage and guide gymnasts to accept responsibility for their own performance and behaviour

Code of Conduct for Junior and Adult members

As a member of Retford Gymnastics Club you are expected to abide by the following code of conduct

  •          All members must follow the code of conduct and respect officials and their decisions
  •          All members must respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants, regardless of gender, ability, cultural background or religion
  •          Members should keep to agreed timings for training and competitions or inform their coach if they are going to be late.
  •          Members must wear suitable kit. The kit will consist of:

Clothing that is deemed suitable for training:

·         Full leotard – No crop tops

·         Tee shirt/ shorts/leggings/ no denim

·         A club uniform is available to purchase through the club

·         Long hair must be tied back and no jewellery to be worn

·         Any piercings must be removed after 6 weeks of being done, until that time, tape must be worn over the piercing.

Retford Gymnastics Club is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well being of all its members. The club believes that it is important that members, coaches, administrators, parents and carers associated with the club should at all times show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others. Therefore, members are encouraged to be open at all times to share any complaints or concerns they have about any aspect of the club with the Head Coach Pam Rose and Welfare Officer Philippa Thornton.
